
A Checklist for Your Restaurant’s Grand Opening

Opening a new restaurant can be a daunting task. There are so many things to think about, from the decor to the menu. Here is a checklist to help you make sure your restaurant’s grand opening goes off without a hitch.

Secure a location and permits.

The first step in opening a restaurant is securing a location and obtaining the necessary permits. Make sure the location you choose is in a busy area with a lot of foot traffic. You will also need to get a business license and permits from the local government.

Plan your opening party.


A grand opening party is the perfect way to officially introduce your restaurant to the world. Make sure to invite your local media and post about the event on social media. Plan a theme for your grand opening party, such as a fair, and procure fun activities like a water slide rental. If you go the fair route, try to secure a grassy area for the festivities.

Secure a beverage distributor.

Securing a local beverage distributor like this beverage distributor in Kent, WA, is crucial.

Choose a menu.

The next step is creating a menu. You will need to decide on the type of food you want to serve and create a menu that reflects your style and taste.

Design your interior and logo.

You’ll need to design your interior and logo. This is a critical step, as your interior design and logo will set the tone for your restaurant and communicate your brand to customers. Make sure to choose a style that reflects your restaurant’s cuisine and atmosphere.

Stock your kitchen.

Next, you’ll need to stock your kitchen with ingredients and supplies. Make a list of the items you’ll need and order them in advance so you’re ready to go on opening day.

Market your restaurant.

Once your interior is designed, your kitchen is stocked, and your menu is ready, it’s time to focus on marketing your restaurant. Create a plan for how you’ll promote your restaurant to customers and make sure to include print, digital, and social media campaigns.

Hire staff and establish your opening team.

This team will be responsible for getting your restaurant up and running and ensuring that everything is running smoothly on opening day. The team should include a manager, a head chef, a marketing director, and a few waitstaff and bartenders. The manager should work with the head chef to create the menu, and the marketing director should come up with a plan to get the word out about your restaurant.

Once the opening is planned, it’s time to start preparing. The head chef should start creating the menu items, the waitstaff and bartenders should practice serving and pouring drinks, and the marketing director should start drafting press releases and creating social media posts.

On the big day, make sure that everything is ready to go. The waitstaff should be familiar with the menu, and the marketing director should have everything ready to launch your opening campaign.

Set up your website.


If you haven’t already, set up your restaurant’s website. This is a great way to attract customers and let them know what your hours are.

Order your signage.

You’ll also need to order signage for your restaurant. This includes a sign for your building and any other signage you might need.

Get ready for the big day!

On the day of your grand opening, make sure to set up your furniture and equipment, stock your bar, and prepare your food. Then, relax and enjoy your big day! With this checklist, you’ll be ready to open your restaurant with a bang!

Written By
Daniel McCarthy
Management Consultant | Contributing Writer
Daniel McCarthy

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