
Tips for Restoring a Historic House

Purchasing and restoring a historic home is no small undertaking. However, there are many benefits to doing so as well, from the beauty of the place to the tax benefits you get at the end of the year. If you are a history buff, then finding a historic home tucked away in an alcove somewhere has probably also been one of your dreams. 

Now, that you’ve realized that dream, you’re left with the task of restoring your historic house to the beauty it once was. That’s no easy undertaking, and you’re going to need help along the way. Keeping that in mind, read on below for a few tips to help you restore the historic house you just purchased to something you’ll love forever. 

Study The Home’s History

There are plenty of resources out there to help you learn the history of the home you’ve purchased. You want to know the house’s story before you start tearing into it and restoring it to its former glory. Knowing your house’s story can help you determine what time period it was built in. In this way, you’ll be able to restore it correctly and be true to the original home itself. 

Start With The Roof, Windows, And Masonry

You want to start with the roof, windows, and masonry of any historic home you’re restoring. There are many reputable roofing companies in Raleigh NC who are capable of taking the care needed to get the job done the right way. Take your time and find a contractor that knows a little about restoring the roof on a historic home and cares about the work he is doing.  The same goes for windows and masonry work.  

Treat The Home Right

It’s also important to call in residential pest control as soon as possible after you take over ownership of the home as well. An older home may have pests that you haven’t even discovered yet. These same pests can destroy the home and land you in hot water trying to restore it after you’ve fixed the pest problem. It’s best to go ahead and set up a treatment plan with your local exterminator to ensure your historic home is pest-free before restoration even begins. 

Remember Living In An Old House Is A Commitment

The one thing you need to remember before you purchase and decide to restore a historic house is that living in an old house is quite a commitment. It’s important to remember that a lot of the 21st-century modern amenities such as even heating throughout the home might not be possible. For instance, if you want to keep the wavy glass in the windows, you’re going to have drafts that you might not like living with. 

Water Damage Is The Enemy

You need to look for signs of water damage before you even sign the papers on a historic home. Water damage is a very serious issue and needs to be addressed as soon as it is spotted. Water damage causes dry rot and that’s something you don’t want to have to deal with. Water also causes bugs, which can destroy your historic home as well, as previously stated. Find any water damage and have it fixed as soon as possible. 

These are just a few tips for restoring a historic home that you should know about. Remember, get to know the history of your home before you start the restoration process and always work on any water damage and the roof first. Living in a historic home is also a huge commitment, so make sure you’re up for the job.

Written By
Dominic Olsen
Financial Expert | Contributing Writer
Dominic Olsen

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